Artificial intelligence & Machine learning

At Virtu Tech, we empower our customers to drive digital transformation in their organizations with state-of-the-art technologies such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and big data analytics. Our team builds scalable and extensible AI and ML architectures that accommodate modern cloud stacks. We leverage a research-based approach to develop new algorithms that combine automatic learning models with handcrafted customized algorithms. Our methodologies and domain expertise have been proven to drive successful outcomes for our clients.

Our unique cognitive automation capabilities harness the power of optimized pattern matching and advanced machine learning techniques to offer speed, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness that surpasses what the human workforce can provide. Our Data Extractor solution automates workflows that are manual-driven and document-based with high accuracy, scale, and greater efficiency.

At Virtu, we have helped customers in various industries to incorporate AI – Machine Learning, AI – Robotic Process Automation, and AI – Natural Language Processing. Our Intelligent Bots are highly valued and have been deployed successfully in the Lifesciences, Healthcare, and Travel industries. Our solutions connect, collect, and analyze data from across enterprise systems, people, and teams, offering valuable insights to leaders for business clarity. Our Intelligent Bots powered by AI have deep learning capabilities that help them handle and learn from conversations, as well as data marts, making them adaptable to any situation.

Our team has successfully delivered various intelligent Bots using various platforms such as Automation Anywhere, UI Path, SAP Intelligent RPA, or Blueprism. Our cloud-enabled custom framework based on Microsoft/Java platforms is portable and can integrate seamlessly with any messaging platform like WhatsApp, Facebook messenger, Web Chat, Google Suite, MS-Kaizala, and Google Assistance Voice Bot.

Virtu’s Intelligent Bots offer unmatched efficiency, precision, and automation, leading to reduction in costs and human error. We have many success stories to share, having developed and delivered BOTs for various activities such as notification systems, patient appointments, order processing and help desks.

  • Thought you might be interested in a very basic metric of our offshore utilization with Virtutech Solutions - It is over 240% growth in total utilization .Thanks VTS Team, Wow! Lots of activity. The VTS team continues to be an integral part of the Development Team

    Mr. NookeshPamten Labs, USA
  • Thanksgiving is a time for thanks. Let me take this time to thank the VTS Team for all their great efforts. You make our lives, and the lives of the people we both support much better

    Ms. Trina Hall, Sunshine Suites ResortsCayman Islands
  • Oh, you guys are too much! 🙂 Thank you! The cautiousness and persistence of the offshore team gave me confidence for future patch requests to be fulfilled Great! This is a very important action for me. It will improve the time and accuracy of the backups and save Venu and I setup time making sure the databases have full valid backups

    Ms. Claire McQuillanPL Communications, UK
  • Quick turnaround time and quality are the characters of Virtu Tech Solutions. Thanks to Venu and Santhosh for their attention to details

    Mr.Paul BattenRemedia, AUS
  • My experience with Efforts Solutions IT has been fantastic. They are very intuitive and apply an outstanding amount of care and creativity to each project. I look forward to many opportunities to partner with VTS Interactive to provide my clients with the best of the best

    Mr.Dave, AUS
  • We have been partnering with VTS Interactive for about 2 years. We have successfully developed several web projects. VTS Team demonstrated their professionalism in the sphere of internet development. What we really appreciate that VTS goes further than just delivering development services. Our company is pleased with partnering with VTS Interactive and looks forward to mutually beneficial cooperation in future

    Mr. Corey BirkmannRebel Interactive, USA
  • Phenomenal job. Plan to continue working with Virtutech Solutions. They went above and beyond expectations

    Mr.Damon HardieBB&P, Cayman Islands
  • As a Large business searching for a development house to work with on the production of new projects, our first interest was to simplify all of the phases required for a true development cycle; from documentation and programming, through quality-assurance testing. Working with VTS Interactive gave us the freedom to produce products that complimented our business model

    Mr.EdiwnAFIS, Nigeria
  • With our project, there was only time to do it right. The Virtutech Solutions team helped us get our mobile application idea get business solutions correctly the first time, ensuring that we met our aggressive business plans

    Ms.Omaya SosaNotiCel, USA
  • VTS Interactive has been the best development group we have been working from past 5 years. They have met or exceeded my expectations on every project. Their professionalism combined with their competitive costing has allowed us to do things that we didn't think were possible before working with them

    Mr.Ashok Thatipally,Wissen Infotech, USA
  • We have worked with Virtu Tech on many projects, large and small, over the past 8 years. I have witnessed the evolution and growth of Virtu Tech from a smaller development house, to a much larger mobile-focused powerhouse.

    Mrs.Abhisarika DasKloc Technologies, USA
  • VTS Team has provided us with great service and have responded to all our needs in an expeditious manner. They show a true interest in our companyâ„¢s success. I would highly recommend VTS for any work or service that falls under there area of expertise. Their skills, professionalism and dedication are outstanding

    Mr.Andrew WilkinsonCompass Communications, New Zealand
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